
dictionary app template screenshot

Dictionary App

React SCSS JavaScript Dictionary API Vercel

This is a solution to the Dictionary Frontend Mentor challenge.

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mortgage calculator app screenshot

Mortgage Calculator App

React SCSS JavaScript Vercel

This is a solution to the Dictionary Frontend Mentor challenge.

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inwood template screenshot

Inwood Furniture E-commerce

HTML SCSS JavaScript AOS Library Swiper Carousel Vercel

The UI design is based on Al Razi Siam's UX Study

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audiophile screenshot

Audiophile E-commerce

HTML SCSS JavaScript Vercel

This responsive website is a Frontend Mentor challenge. I used vanilla JS, and SCSS.

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rock-paper-scissors screenshot


HTML SCSS JavaScript Vercel

This responsive website is a Frontend Mentor challenge. I used vanilla JS, and SCSS.

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rock-paper-scissors screenshot

Sunnyside Agency Landing Page

HTML SCSS AOS Library Vercel

This responsive website is a Frontend Mentor challenge.

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social-media-dashboard screenshot

Social Media Dashboard

HTML CSS JavaScript Vercel

For this Frontend Mentor project, I used Flexbox, and vanilla JS for the dark mode toggle.

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social proof section screenshot

Social Proof Section


Completed this (Frontend Mentor) challenge using CSS and HTML. For the layout I used Flexbox.

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demo screenshot

Easybank Landing Page

HTML SCSS JavaScript Vercel

This is a Frontend Mentor challenge. I used vanilla JS, and SCSS to create this site.

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